The REV Broaching Tool production facility is able to manufacture special tools and inserts based on specific customer demands, and is able to satisfy these various requests in very short amounts of time and at advantageous costs. It is possible to build, for example, special inserts between 1 mm and 50 mm in thickness, as well as various types of special tools.
The most common special tools requested by our customers are:
– longer or shorter than standard broaching tools
– double-insert tools to execute large-size tab seatings
– tools for broaching times that are longer or shorter than standard times
– integral tools for machining inside holes with very small diameters (MINITOOL)
– tools with modified profiles that house customised inserts to execute shaping, create grooves or involute toothing inside holes
– tools with housing for cutting inserts, which are inclined with respect to the tool axis and used for executing spiral machining.
The picture below, on the other hand, illustrates some examples of special inserts produced by us.

Any time customers require tools or special inserts, it is a good idea for them to put together a specific request, with attached drawing, providing the values, the type of profile that needs to be created and the material it will be machining.